Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Summarizing a report - Teen Suicide

Let's the review the writing assignment from Monday. Identify the top three responses and be prepared to discuss why they are the best. Respond below about why you think they are the best as well as what it takes to write an abstract, a detailed summary of a report.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sonnets Discussion

Here are the discussion questions:

  1. What is “this” in the couplet of Sonnet 18?
  2. Does the speaker “trade the memory of this night for food?”
Make sure you use evidence to support your answers!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Piano/Those Winter Sundays Discussion

Per the norm, here is where you either put your discussion for a grade or add to the conversation already in place.

Be sure to use the right questions for your period. This is due Friday, Feb. 13 for 2A, 2B, AND 4B. For 1A, the posts are due Thursday, Feb. 19.


  • How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
  • What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
  • What is the theme of “Those Winter Sundays”?
  • Why does Lawrence use the “betray”?
  • How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
  • What is the central idea of “Piano”?
  • What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
  • What is the central idea of “Those Winter Sundays”?


  • How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
  • What is the central idea of “Piano”?
  • What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
  • What is the central idea of “Those Winter Sundays”?

Monday, February 2, 2015

Simile/Woman/Moon Rondeau Discussion

Our discussion revolved around an open floor talk about the poems. In addition to responding to those questions, here are the questions for those that did not respond verbally:

  1. In “Simile,” why does Momaday use “latent flight”
  2. In “Moon Rondeau,” how does the moon’s description affect the poem?
  3. In “Woman,” what do you believe is the status of the relationship at the end of the poem?
  4. As for relationships, what is the status of the relationships in all three poems, and how are they different or similar?
Responses are due by Friday, Feb. 6. Any time-stamped response after the due date will not be graded (barring special exception). 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Metamorphosis Discussion

Here is the prompt:

Trace the use of structure- how the text begins, how suspense is built, and pacing is used to create tension. Each group will bring evidence from the text to the discussion.

Post your answer below.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Seventh Man - Discussion

Today we will discuss the following questions:
  • Why do you think the narrator fails to rescue K? What does this say about his character?
  • What is the central idea of the text?
  • Closely read “The Seventh Man” by Haruki Murakami. What inferences and/or conclusion can draw about the narrator based on what you have read? What textual evidence supports your inferences?
  • What theme or central idea about fear does Murakami explore in “The Seventh Man”? How does his use of figurative language help him advance his theme? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.
We will hold a whole-class discussion of the questions. You will be graded on your responses by the following scale:
Strength of Claim: (1-Claim/idea presented is under-developed and does not contribute to discussion; 2 - Claim/idea presented is mostly developed and adds to the discussion; 3 - Claim/idea is highly developed and enhances the discussion
Quality of Evidence: (1 - Use of evidence does not support claim/idea; 2 - Use of evidence mostly supports claim/idea and shows understanding of the text; 3 - Use of evidence supports claim/idea and show understanding of the text.

Write your responses below if you didn't participate verbally. Anyone is free to submit and continue the conversation.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Simplexity Discussion

If you did not participate in our discussion of Simplexity, then you need to reply to this thread and answer the discussion questions:

  • What common ideas do you see in the responses to the central idea acitivity?
  • How does this text apply to our evacuations?
  • What does Kluger’s analysis of responses during an evacuation tell you about human nature and why people react as they do during a crisis?

This is an assessment grade.

And even if you participated verbally, you can still respond to this thread!