Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Summarizing a report - Teen Suicide

Let's the review the writing assignment from Monday. Identify the top three responses and be prepared to discuss why they are the best. Respond below about why you think they are the best as well as what it takes to write an abstract, a detailed summary of a report.


  1. Roman - Consistency in wording, plenty of information regarding the main topic in a few words
    Hailey - Structured nicely, liked the wording
    Christian Sessoms - Consistence in phrasing and wording style, short and informative, not too formal that it's boring :D

  2. Roman- Infomal and made me understand more.
    Stacy- Gave alot of actually numbers and facts, stayed on topic.
    Jaico- Wordy but straight to the point

  3. Deriech had great wording in summarizing the main points of the report.
    Mona Lisa had great phrasing and even added her own opinion on the end to even demonstrate she has an understanding of the report.
    Hailey had great phrasing and showed her knowledge in writing and having structure when writing a summary.

  4. To write an effective abstract you need to have precise language and effective use of information. I picked derich, mona lisa and roman because I believe they show these qualities.

  5. I feel that the best responses were those written by Jear-Anne, Monalisa, and Stacy. I feel as though those were the best because they presented the information given in the report and effectively spoke on them as well as gave the statistics. In order to write an abstract I believe that it takes slight information from the text but also a good paraphrasing overview. Also in order to write an abstract one must know about what they're writing about, so they must have read or done some research and have some information on what they're writing about.

  6. Janina- Got into detail right away and then was able to put it together in the end.
    Christian- Simple and straight to the point. Provided enough information that made me want to keep reading.
    Mona Lisa- The structure is simple. There are not that many numbers to distract you from what she is trying to say. Including her opinion in the end shows comprehension of the text.

  7. Monalisa- I liked how she worded her summary, information was given, gave her thoughts about suicide
    Roman- provided great information, evidence was shown
    Jear Anne- provided information from the report and wrote a great summary

  8. Stacy: focused on main points in the text
    Christian: briefly summarized the trends and data given in the text
    Roman: summarized the main points and data given in the text, his analysis was not repetitive

  9. An abstract contains precise wording and gets straight to the point. Abstracts are also clear and understandable, with proper grammar. From the responses I was able to read, the top 3 responses that followed these requirements were written by Amya, Mona Lisa, and Kendra. Amya's summary was to-the-point and reviewed the most important information in the CDC report. Mona Lisa's was very informative, structured well, and included a personal opinion. Kendra's summary included many statistics and also included a personal opinion also.

  10. The top three responses that I think are the best prepared are Monalisa Mendoza's, Jear Anne Lebaquin's and Roman Namata's. All three of these responses use information from the CDC report, use direct words with quotations from the text and even include their own opinion. In order to write a detailed summary you need to mention things that come from the story you are summarizing. All the factors needed to have a detailed summary are in these three responses.

  11. Jear Anne- Gave alot of information , understood it well
    Mona Lisa- Did a good summary of it
    Christian - Got straight to the point and was able to understand it well.

  12. Roman - gave enough detail to cover the entire article without too much wording
    Jaico - great flow to summary and provided statistics
    Monalisa - included her own thoughts along with the information from the text

  13. Shelby Leach started off with three main topics that summarized the whole CDC report and broke them down by providing information from the text. It was very straightforward on how she condensed the most important statistics.

    Roger Arangorin Jr organized his information precisely. He gave the factors on how CDC studied these suicide trends, the rates and methods of suicide, and the result to prevent suicidal behavior from continuing.

    Janina Jones compared the suicidal trends very well and gave only the most important statistics. She gave the main methods of suicide and the effect of media on teenagers.

    A good abstract summarizes the most important information of the text by giving concise details and ideas.

  14. Kendra, Amya, and Jaico.
    I chose these summaries as my top three because they were the most concise with information and presented it in an understandable fashion. I believe when writing an abstract you want to say little, but mean much, and I believe they did this the best out of the class. Also, when writing a summary you want to hit the main points and facts because that is what people look for, and they did that. That is why I chose these responses out of the class summaries.

  15. I think Roman, Hailey, and Kendra had the best ones. They gave all the information and main points but it was also straight to the point. It was well organized and had an easy flow to it. It wasn't too much to read.

    A good abstract would be one that allows the reader to get a gist of everything without going into detail about it.

  16. The top three responses that I think are the best prepared are Monalisa Mendoza's, Jear Anne Lebaquin's and Roman Namata's. All three of these responses use information from the CDC report, use direct words with quotations from the text and even include their own opinion. In order to write a detailed summary you need to mention things that come from the story you are summarizing. All the factors needed to have a detailed summary are in these three responses.

  17. Janina Jones despite grammatical errors, she used a comparison to suicide very well

    Hailey Hawkins's essay was structured formally and paraphrased important detail in her own words.

    Roger Arangorin - essay gave off an immense amount of important information, despite the "plagiarism" if he cited the information it would have better his essay. His essay however was structured well.

  18. Stacy- Gave a lot of statistics and summed up the report well
    Roman- Went straight to the main topic and did not repeat a lot of information he had already stated
    Jear Anne- Gave a lot of information and summarized very clearly

  19. ~ Roman gave information from the article. He also gave us the definition of “Suicide Contagion” to give us a better understanding.
    ~ Monalisa gave us information from the text as well as her own opinion. She also had good wording.
    ~ Christian had a good summary that went straight to the point of what the article was about. He also gave good details.

  20. Kendra had a lot of information and important facts. I also liked how she was able to summarize the charts that were at the bottom of the article. Hailey had great wording when writing her information. I also like how her writing was straight to the point and short, but very well written. I also liked how Jear Anne understood the article and summarized the article very well.

  21. I chose Kendra, Raissa, and Jear Anne's summaries because they were the most detailed in what they interpreted the data given.
    Jear Anne - Had a lot of detail that many of the others missed.
    Raissa - Better interpreted the information in her own words.
    Kendra - Good beginning paragraph

  22. Roman, Stacy and Monalisa are the top 3 I think that did very well. They all wrote very good consistently while summarizing the text very clearly and detailed. Although the text were short the readers can easily see the author understood and know the text they read.

  23. Hailey : well constructed, straight to the point , paraphrased well.
    Roman : very concise and well written
    Christian : straight to the point and structured well

  24. Kendra,Roman, and Hailey. I chose these three people because I feel as though they gave a really good summary. They all gave every detail about the data found in the text. I feel as though Kendra had the best abstract out of the three I chose. She took her time and made sure she picked out all the information she can to help make sure you can get a good idea when you read this just in case you never read the story. Which is the main purpose of a abstract so you can get a detailed summary so you can get the main idea and some of the details without having to read the text.

  25. I believe that Zoe, Michahela, and Josue are the best responses because they all give enough information on what the CDC report was talking about. Each writer points out that there is an age group, time period, gender, and the type of act used for suicide. They also point out the data that was given in the report to create there response on suicide.

  26. Roman: Descriptive, straight to the point, and very understandable from that point of view.
    Hailey: Very informative, many statistics, Does not look copied and pasted.
    Rakyiah: tells me everything I need to know, Descriptive, very understandable.

  27. Monalisa, Stacy, and Jaico had the best responses to me. All three kept it short to a certain point. Throughout all three they used evidence from the text, used statics to help prove points, personal opinions, etc. Good abstracts are 'short' but not too short & basically get to the point. Doesn't really add new information but simply summarizes the text using textual evidence to help. Isn't confusing & overall intelligible to whoever is reading like I myself.

  28. Christian-Summarized it well and and used support from the text.
    Roman-Gave a lot of statistics and summed up the report well.
    Jaico-Focused on the main points and gave data.
    I choose these 3 because they gave a good summary with strong supporting details from the text. In order to write a good abstract you must be able to pick out the information from the text that is the most important and be able to back those details up.

  29. Reecks stacey- there paragraphs are good and it gives all the information about the topic.
    Felix- i liked there paragraphs the most because it used all the information and it wasn't too lengthy.
    kamron- there paragraph uses some of the information and summarizes the whole passage.

  30. The top three response that I think did very well are from Hailey, Monalisa and Jear Anne. They all summarizes the report nicely. Hailey's work is well structured and did a great job paraphrasing the important details. Monalisa put pretty most of the important details in her own words and putting in a nice structure. Also concluding her own opinion helps the reader to understand the point. Jear Anne's is straight to the point and provided a lot of details.
    What it takes to make a good abstract is to provide main details and the idea in your own word.

  31. Zoe Campbell- I chose hers because firstly she followed directions by writing two to three paragraphs. She then also wrote about the main findings of the report. She was very well detailed with what she found.
    John David- I chose his because he followed directions by finding out the main findings of the report. He typed very important things from the text. He also said what he thought and gave his opinion about the article.
    Keith Jones- I chose his because he wrote the main findings of the report. He stated the statistics, rate and the ages of teen suicide. He said some important things from the report that grabbed my attention.

    To write an abstract you need to make sure you know what you are writing about and what gave you your idea. You then need to figure out the problem and what you are trying to solve. Next, you need to tell how you went about solving the problem. Then, what is your results? Now what is your conclusion?

  32. For me the best 3 abstracts that I read are Hailey Hawkins's, Monalisa Mendoza's, and Roman Namata's. I like how Hailey pulled out a lot information from the report and combining it together without any confusion like the other responses. I also like how Monalisa added that mass media is also one of the cause why a lot of teenagers commits suicide. Roman's response gives me a lot of information and I also like his last paragraph. Overall Hailey's response stand out the most for me. Her information is solid that makes it clear what does the long report of CDC all mean. I think it will be easy to write an abstract that is accurate by reading the whole report to help you to pull out more and more information and produce a good writing.

  33. The top three I chose are the responses of Amya Andrews, Jear Anne Lebaquin , and Hailey Hawkin. They summarized the report and included features like the data, percentage and the increased in what form of suicide, and the actions taken to prevent suicide.
    -To write an abstract, you have to determine the purpose of the report, who it is targeted for, and the main idea of the report; then decide which are the important features to present in your summary.

  34. Hailey - Its good because how she wrote it, i could understand every word. Something else about her paragraph is that she just rights the important things like “Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young adults (10-24)”.Last reason is how neat the paper was.
    Zoe Campbell- I chose hers because she followed directions by writing two paragraphs. She also wrote the most important parts . She was very well detailed and understanding.
    Roman- I like his paragraphs because it had a lot of statistics. Also because it was well writen. Last because it was only the important things

  35. I believe that the top three responses coming from the suicide article are Naiya Young, Monalisa Mendoza, and Rita Gao. All three put the text in their own words, used plenty of useful information from the text including the suicide rates and means of doing so, and each added a slight personal opinion to give the summary their own point of view. In order to write abstract, you must put certain information about the report and summarize the main points. This includes including the purpose of the article, any statistics, and what it is trying to inform you of. Try to put as many main details and leave out personal opinions.

  36. An abstract has to have important details and should contain the main idea of the text. An abstract shouldn't have useless filler that doesn't contribute to the main idea. The best documents that I chose were Zoe Campbell's, Roman Namata's, and Shelby Leech's. These students not only gave a good summary of the article, but they put it into their own words instead of just basically copy&pasting the words from the text.

  37. To write an abstract, the writer needs to have an understanding of what the text is telling them, and be able to summarize the text while still keeping it detailed and informational. Alex's abstract did this well, and I liked how in each paragraph he hit the main points of what the separate parts of the article were about, and, while keeping the information concise and brief, still included the numbers and percentages. Janina's abstract was also well written and kept the information brief, but still managed to hit every point necessary to get the gist of the report. Hailey's abstract also kept the information short and sweet, and like Alex's, included the numbers and percentages in the paragraph detailing how suicide rates have increased over time.

  38. Abstracts are important to a paper because they summarize the important facts and can help you determine whether or not the paper will be useful to you. A good abstract has the right amount of information and is organized well. The top three responses I chose were Shelby, Alex, and Naiya. All of these responses included points from the study that were important. Concise and informational, these responses would make good abstracts and really inform the reader as to what the study was going to be about.

  39. Roman's response was great. It was very informal and I understood what he was saying.
    Mona Lisa's response was short and sweet. It wasn't hard to understand, it was very simple.
    Shelby's response was phenomenal. She started off with topic's , she broke them down, and then she also provided information form the text.
    A good abstract would one that gives the reader a vivid image of what's about to be discussed.

  40. Hailey H.- well written, very informative, easy to understand
    Zoe C.- emphasized the major points of the article
    Roman N.- uses the statistics very well, well written

  41. An abstract summary is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject or discipline, and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. The 3 summaries I picked were Roman Namata's, Monaliza Mendoza's and Zoe Campbell's. In my opinion they are the 3 best because their report had numbers and important details from the report. They also added their opinion to help better understand what is it we are reading about. Reading these documents made me feel as if there is no need to read the full report because all the important details are in these summaries.

  42. Roman, Jear Anne, and Alex had the best responses to me because all three stayed on topic and gave accurate information from the text, while also making the abstract clear for the understanding of the reader.

    To write an abstract, you have to be able to write a short but descriptive and clear point of the report. While also finding the main topic/purpose of the report too so the readers can understand what it was talking about without reading the actual report.

  43. Roman did a tremendous job while explaining the report in a such an informative but supple way. He completely summarized almost 6 pages into a few paragraphs. I continued on to enjoy Stacy's summary as well. I admire how she used the data to pertain to the audience numerically(smart move)!

  44. An abstract is a brief but descriptive summary and is clear and understanding. Shelby's got straight to the point. She also broke down the text. Zoe also got straight to the point she was very detailed in what she wrote. Hailey used a lot of statistics and was very detailed and clear.

  45. An abstract has to have important details and should contain the main idea of the text. An abstract shouldn't have useless filler that doesn't contribute to the main idea. The best documents that I chose were Zoe Campbell's, Roman Namata's, and Shelby Leech's. These students not only gave a good summary of the article, but they put it into their own words instead of just basically copy&pasting the words from the text.

  46. Writing an abstract requires a detailed understanding of the topic and the central idea of an article in order to correctly summarize it. Otherwise, an abstract might miss key details that support the main idea, or completely miss the central idea entirely. I feel Roman’s response gave the best summary of the main idea and the details supporting it. He addressed the “suicide contagion”, the data that supports the claim of increasing suicide rates, and the CDC’s interest in containing the “suicide contagion” and preventing more deaths. Shelby Leach’s response also addressed all 3 of these points, and in a more concise and to-the-point matter. Hailey Hawkins also mentioned the data showing increased suicide rates in her abstract, but did not go in depth as to how the CDC was working to prevent these rates.

  47. In order to write a successful abstract you must write a summary that is short and to the point. If anyone reads your abstract they should have a grasp on what the paper will be about and have some background knowledge. After reading the responses Roman, Shelby , and Hailey best followed the guidelines required for an effective abstract.

    Roman uses facts so that the reader has enough information to feel that they have learned something or have a better understanding about suicide rates over the last few decades.

    Shelby explains how suicide trends are on the rise. Shelby also explains how males are more likely to commit suicide with a firearm while females are more likely to use suffocate themselves. In addition Shelby also explains how important it is for the media to report these cases the right way to prevent other teens from committing suicide due to suicide contagion

    Like Roman Hailey explains what the report says with precise language and makes it easy to understand. Hailey also talks about what the CDC recommends in order to decrease suicide rates.

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  49. Roman, Monalisa, and Shelby's were my top 3. I say this because they didn't just list statistics. They kept it simple and didn't copy the article word from word. They all provide evidence to go with their statements. They all mentioned the main statistics. They also gave a personal opinion on suicide which made it seem slightly personal.

  50. The top three responses I chose are from Roman, Jear Anne, and Cheyanne because they included statistical data, their explanation of the data and how it connects to the article, and they even included their own thoughts. Also, they kept it straight to the point and did not provide any unnecessary details. In order to write an abstract, the information must be organized and it must include details that pinpoint the central ideal of the text.

  51. I really like Kendra's, Derrick, and Mona's summaries because I feel they used more than enough information about the report and even added their personal opinion. Kendra even added a quote at the end from Gandhi.

  52. Roman , Mona lisa and Hailey were my top three. All three used the data used in the article well and supported it with good information. In my opinion it takes a well understanding of the text to make an abstract. With this well understanding you will also need the use an array of very precise words so that it can be short. IN other words say something in 5 words instead of 10.

  53. The top 3 response for me were Stacy's, Cheyanne's, and Roman's because they were easy to understand. Even though they were to the point, they were all very detailed. They didn't get too deep and only talked about the main important things.

  54. Monalisa,Roman, and Shelby were my top reports that I liked. All of them were able to summerize the whole report in only 2 paragraphs and I was able to conclude what the whole report was about. They used facts from the report as well as data, even Monalisa put in a small little personal message that contributrd to the summary. In order to write an abstract i believe you must first understand what the whole report is about, you must then include the main points and information within the report and maybe a small annecdote or try to breifly talk about the report over all

  55. James, VJ, and Dymand were my top picks. I liked how they didn't use statistics in their summary. I also, like how they talked about the main points of report such as the mechanisms used in suicide, and the differences in gender on the suicide rates. All of their summaries discussed the general ideas of the report.

  56. Jear Anne provided evidence from the text. It was also easy to understand with the precise language.
    Roman was very straight to the point. This made summarized the article really well and easy to understand.
    Jaico gave factual evidence and remained in topic.

  57. The 3 best responses are Jucel, because she elaborated on the information and her summary was very informative, Monalisa because the structure of the material was easy to comprehend, and she used her own words, and Alex because he got straight to the point and included all the necessary information from the text.

    In order to write a good abstract you need to be informative and include important details that will be in the text. Details help the person reading develop the greatest understanding of what the text will be about. If the abstract doesn't include all the main points from the text, you may not know if the article is what you need, and reading it could just waste valuable time.

  58. - Cheyenne, Hailey, and Alayah were my top 3 summaries because they all stayed on topic, provided a lot of details and facts, and really helped me understand the article better than I did before. Cheyenne started off by giving her personal opinion about the article and why she was so interested in the article.
    - In order to write an abstract correctly, you have to summarize the entire article while providing details and statistics while still making it short enough to still be an abstract. An abstract is usually between 150-250 words. So in order to get enough information about the article and staying on topic, you have to get straight to the point and choose the words used wisely.

  59. The top three responses I liked were Jasmyn Stewart, Camille Wilcher, and Niya Hawkins because of how they talk about the findings of the article. I liked how they used text information and were able to back up there response.

  60. Roman, Jear anne, and Kendra were my top 3. They had statistics and key details directly from the text and not only that they presented it in a organized and deliberat way that was short and no repetitive. Some of the summaries, while informative, were a bit redundant. Saying the same thing in different ways. Just to fill up space and that is not as interesting to read. While these were interesting and got the same messages acroos in only two paragraphs.

  61. Jucel Ann Arizabal- There was a lot of information that gave an accurate representation of the article. It was nicely worded and grammatically correct.
    Roman Namata- The information was not copied exactly from the article. It was put in his own words but still had the necessary information.
    Monalisa Mendoza- It was well written and the information accurately represented the CDC article.

    Writing an abstract requires concision. You have to give a brief summary of your report so the reader can know whether your report has the information they need. Also, an abstract should be somewhat interesting to attract people to reading the report.

  62. I really liked JearAnne, Roman, and Rogers summary. All three of them used the data from the report and turned it into a well understanding summary. They also used the text from the report to support their summary. To write a good abstract, you have to put the main details/points of the report, story, etc. Start with the main details and leave out information that isn't as important.

  63. Dymand Mitchell, Phoebe Napkil and Monalisa Mendosa were my top 3 summary picks. The reason I picked these three was because, unlike mine, their summaries were very detailed and stayed away from using personal opinion. I also like their use of facts from the report in their summary.

  64. I personally liked the clarity of Cheyanne's paper. She managed to summarize the whole report in 2 paragraphs. She used only important information in her summary liked how the second highest cause of death for people from the 10-24 is suicide. This was seen in the second sentence, it is good to see that big information like that occurs early in the sentence. She also summarized how suffocation is a growing trend among st suicide victims.

  65. I really liked JearAnne, Roman, and Rogers summary. All three of them used the data from the report and turned it into a well understanding summary. They also used the text from the report to support their summary. To write a good abstract, you have to put the main details/points of the report, story, etc. Start with the main details and leave out information that isn't as important.

  66. Roger, Hailey, and Alex's were my top 3 because they all consistently summarized the key points of the report. They gave important information and evidence (referring back to the text). They also use a lot of factual evidence that help introduce the reader, in a way, to the report. These summaries I've chosen are prime examples of good abstracts. To write a detailed summary or an abstract, I think one should use the most important details rather than those that are obscure in the text. Also, using key points and relevant details briefly in your own words help in writing a detailed summary.

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  68. My top three responses came from Camille, Roman and Cheyanne because they not only included the data they also have more sentences that would connect each fact to each other. It takes both fact and supporting details to construct a food abstract.

  69. I personally liked the clarity of Cheyanne's paper. She managed to summarize the whole report in 2 paragraphs. She used only important information in her summary liked how the second highest cause of death for people from the 10-24 is suicide. This was seen in the second sentence, it is good to see that big information like that occurs early in the sentence. She also summarized how suffocation is a growing trend among st suicide victims.

    for the same reasons Naya's Hawkins paper
    and Hamza's paper

  70. I picked Aleksa, Stacey, and Monalisa as my top 3 because I loved the way they started their abstract and how they organized that statics of the report. They also put their own opinion some where in ii to give another point of view on the situation. What it takes to write a good abstract is basically to give all the main points you're trying to present in whatever you're writing.

  71. I personally liked the clarity of Cheyanne's paper. She managed to summarize the whole report in 2 paragraphs. She used only important information in her summary liked how the second highest cause of death for people from the 10-24 is suicide. This was seen in the second sentence, it is good to see that big information like that occurs early in the sentence. She also summarized how suffocation is a growing trend among st suicide victims.

    for the same reasons Naya's Hawkins paper
    and Hamza's paper

  72. The top three responses in my opinion are Cheyanne Rosier, Monalisa Mendoza and Shelby Leach. The reasons behind this is because they all took the entire article and found a way to concise it into two or three paragraphs. Each of the summaries explained the main points and made it easier for somebody who didn't read the article or who couldn't understand it.

  73. I personally liked the clarity of Cheyanne's paper. She managed to summarize the whole report in 2 paragraphs. She used only important information in her summary liked how the second highest cause of death for people from the 10-24 is suicide. This was seen in the second sentence, it is good to see that big information like that occurs early in the sentence. She also summarized how suffocation is a growing trend among st suicide victims.

  74. Roman, Monalisa, and Cheyanne all provide the report's information in detail, providing the statistics and practically summarizing the entire CDC report in a way that easily conveys the report's contents to someone who may not have fully read or understood it. Cheyanne and Monalisa also provide their own opinions on the issue.

  75. The top three responses that I chose were Jucel-Ann, Korie, and Hailey. They all included actual facts from the report and even inputted quotes and personal opinions towards the topic. Their summaries were straight to the point and well organized. A good abstract requires a central idea and the most important details that sum up a paper. The abstract should be well organized as well.

  76. Dymand, Cheyanne and Mona Lisa were the top three responses. These are the best because they summarized the main idea of the whole report accurately. They didn't type the whole report word for word, or every exact detail, only the main points. To write an abstract, you must understand the report so you can only put the main points in it, without rewriting the whole report.

  77. Roman gave alot of information with not too many words. He went straight to the point, which made it easier to keep my attention.
    Mona lisa's was very good as well. She didn't use too many words either, stayed on topic, and even gave her own opinion.
    Shelby did a very good job as well, she stated many facts and gave alot of information. She summarized it in the beginning herself, and then she started to give us information and broke down the article into her own words. She was very clear and what the article was saying.
    It takes for you to not only know what an article is saying, but to understand it in order to write an abstract. You have to be able to understand it enough to be able to reword and still have people get the same idea.

  78. Roman: Used great detail, direct quotes, and didn't use all of the numbers in the article.
    Amya: Had many important ideas from the article and used the statistics but also the advice given in the articles
    Elizabeth: Had the important details and skimmed the small details to give extra insight to the article. Also, had just enough of the statistics included in the article.
    An abstract should include the important details from the article but also skim over the little stuff. It should also give insight on what the article is about without giving away too much of the details. The abstract should be concise and not the same length of the article.

  79. I feel as if Dymands, Romans, and Jucels. They all had a nice detailed explanation on the article. It ave a great summary on what the article was about.

  80. 2A

    To write an abstract, you have to be very clear about what you are going to report, and it should garner the attention of people you're trying to reach out to. This is important because the abstract basically lets a person know if the information they are about to read is relevant to what they are searching for.

    Monalisa Mendoza, Roman Namata, and Kendra Heinbuch are my top 3. All 3 summaries were concise and informative with statistics. Also, it was easy to comprehend their summaries as they were very organized and nothing seemed out of place. The information they presented was accurate from the CDC report and they didn't copy basically every word form the article.

  81. Monalisa, Alayah, and Niya were the top 3 that I chose because they all were straight to the point but still told you all the main points in the report. They gave details which were very informative. An abstract is very much like a summary or an introduction. It should be a powerful statement or paragraph that is describes larger work. Its a brief summary of the research paper and thesis.

  82. I think Jear Anne, Stacy, and Roger were the three who had the best responses. First off, Jear Anne had written the first paragraph nicely, summarizing the whole report and is able to keep the reader on the summary. Stacy wrote her summary very well and used concise information. She was able to use the important data/statistics from the CDC report. And lastly, Roger cited where he got the information from in his second paragraph, letting me/others to look back at the information in the report.
    An abstract needs to be brief and short to the point where the reader reads the whole report. An abstract should include the importance of ones work, the problem to be solved, the approach, the results/data, and to wrap it up, a conclusion.

  83. In my opinion, the top three reports were written by VJ Ramirez, Niya Hawkins, and Shelby Leach. Unlike some abstracts that I read, these three clearly summarized the CDC article. I found them easy to understand, fluid, and enjoyable. Things I liked about them individually:

    VJ's abstract didn't seem as if it were copy and pasted from the article. It was in his own words, and made it stand out from everyone elses.

    Niya's seemed as if she'd done some research herself, which I appreciated. Her article had extra information as well as her own input on the situation.

    I liked Shelby's as well. It was short, to the point, and an effective summary of the article. I thought it was very informative, and left out any unnecessary statistics. It was almost as she emphasized certain points in her abstract.

    Overall: 10/10.

  84. Jaico, Zorlynn, and Raymart, I say this because they all used statistics and evidence from the article, but kept it simple enough so you got the main points of the article. They all also kept there summary brief so you didn't feel as if you were reading the same article over.

  85. I found that Roman Namata, CHeyanne Rosier, and Monalisa Mendoza had the best summaries. I found that they were very brief but also informational. I consider that to be important in a summary.

  86. I really like Kendra's, Derrick, and Mona's summaries because I feel they used more than enough information about the report and even added their personal opinion. Kendra even added a quote at the end from Gandhi.

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  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. When analyzing these papers, they all seemed to have the same thing in all of them. They pretty much listed the facts of the article. I could tell a few had copied and pasted the information. Now before anybody thinks I'm trying to "sneak diss", let me just specify that I can admit my paper is nowhere near being a shining jewel. It needs alot more polishing in my opinion. However, a few papers seemed to actually stand out to me and have me see the article from an entirely different point of view.
    Monalisa's paper seemed to stand out to me. The reason that her study appealed to me was because of the vocabulary that was used. Her lexicon added on to show she had a exceptional understanding of the issue, for example, when she says "It has increased demographically as well as geographically to subgroups", it shows that she is able to analyze and further break down what was not directly stated in the CDC article. Jucelann also demonstrated her ability to interpret the subject and target the keypoints in the article that were the most important. She was also able to expand on these key issues. Niya Hawkins demonstrated in her paper her interest in the subject and further analysis on suicide contagion, which is an issue most people didn't specify on.
    When writing an abstract, it's important to not list every subject but rather to show the main idea in the article. You have to have an understanding on what is going on in the article and then give it from your own point of view.

  90. The top three responses for me are
    mona lisa- great way of summarizing the article, also love the last paragraph where she included her opinion. States fact and its not all over the place.
    roman- a lot of facts that summarized the article very well. stayed on topic
    jear anne- Good information from the text that showed she knew what she was talking about. The summary did a great job at wrapping the text up.

  91. To be a good abstract, the report must have good understanding of the article, and must have logical reasoning explaining the importance of the events. I pic Alex, Shelby, and Nayia because they did an outstanding job at summarizing and explaining the report.
