Monday, February 9, 2015

Piano/Those Winter Sundays Discussion

Per the norm, here is where you either put your discussion for a grade or add to the conversation already in place.

Be sure to use the right questions for your period. This is due Friday, Feb. 13 for 2A, 2B, AND 4B. For 1A, the posts are due Thursday, Feb. 19.


  • How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
  • What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
  • What is the theme of “Those Winter Sundays”?
  • Why does Lawrence use the “betray”?
  • How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
  • What is the central idea of “Piano”?
  • What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
  • What is the central idea of “Those Winter Sundays”?


  • How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
  • What is the central idea of “Piano”?
  • What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
  • What is the central idea of “Those Winter Sundays”?


  1. i love it in the as

  2. 2A
    1. The lives of poets affect the meaning of the texts by describing their personal experiences in their work. For instance, the author of the poem "Piano", D.H Lawrence, struggled to fit in with his peers while growing up and had a close relationship with his mother until her death which influenced his poetry. The poem states "And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings." and explains the precious memories he shared with his mother. The author of "Those Winter Sundays" was raised by foster parents which influenced this poem in a sense where he knew people were working hard for him and others but never showed gratitude.
    2. The central idea of "Piano" is a man that is looking back on his childhood memories and wants to re-live it, but simply cannot. The poem starts off by a nice walk through memories with the speaker's mother and the cherished times they spent together. However, in the last stanza, the speaker breaks out from the lovely memory and turns it into bitterness, "Of childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast. Down in the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past", saying that everything in his life now is not what it used to be in the past and longs to go back in his childhood.
    3. Robert Hayden used the phrase "love's lonely and austere offices" in the poem "Those Winter Sundays" to emphasize the hard work his father figure has been doing for their family. The phrase is used to explain how the father is doing all of these things just because they are family and usually you would have to do things for each other; but another reason is out of love. The father is somewhat forced or obliged to fulfill his duties but at the same time he's doing it because he loves his family and wants to take care of them. Furthermore, despite people not thanking him (Line 5), the father still finds it in his heart to make sure his family is comfortable and safe.
    4. The central idea of "Those Winter Sundays" is a man recalling his childhood memories and realizing that the actions of his father were done out of love but never acknowledged. It seems that the child always took his father's actions for granted and never realized how much the father is sacrificing just to make sure his child has all of the components necessary to go about life. In the last line of the first stanza it says "blanked fires blazed. No one ever thanked him", meaning that even though the father is worn out from work, he still goes home and tends to his family, but the downside is that nobody is thankful or shows gratitude. The now grown up child realizes that his father did not have to do anything for him, but because he is a parent and he loves his children, he is still willing to work hard.

  3. The lives of the poets affect how the poets write the poem. Most of the time, poets write something that they can relate to or have gone through. In D.H Lawrence's "Piano", he writes about his past and his memories with his mom and how he misses those days. Lawrence's mother was a significant figure in his life. She was the one that created Lawrence's love for books and made him into the person that he was.
    In "Those Winter Sundays", Robert Hayden was abandoned by his biological parents. From the poem, you can sense the regret that he felt for not appreciating and thanking his foster father. I think it's because after his biological parent abandoned him, he had shut himself in and couldn't believe that someone was willing to provide for him out of love.
    When Hayden put "love austere and lonely offices", he wanted to emphasize that even though it was not a favorable job, his father still did it out of love for him.
    The theme of "Those Winter Sundays" is that you should always appreciate your parents before it's too late. Throughout the whole poem, you can sense the regret and how the speaker wants to go back and tell his father thank you for everything that he has done for him. "then with cracked hand that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him." "Speaking indifferently to him, who had driven out the cold and polished my good shoes as well. What did I know, what did I know of love's austere and lonely offices?"
    Lawrence used betray to emphasize on the power of the music. The speaker does not want to remember the memories because he knows that if he goes back and think about it, he'll be nostalgic but upon hearing the music, which has a significant meaning to him, everything floods back to him. The music "betrayed" him and brought him back to the past where he wants to avoid.

  4. 1. I feel like the lives of the poets affect the poems.In Piano, the poet D.H.Lawrence described the importance of his mothers role in his life. Lawrence's mother was a significant figure in his life. In Robert Haydens poem Those Winter Sundays, he talks about the relationship that he's had between his father. He never really appreciated him, now he looks backs regretting what he has done, and wishing he had emulated the same love back to him, even though if he didn't get his dads concept of love.
    2. In piano, the main idea of the poem is that he desperately misses the days of his childhood. He makes the comparison between his mother's simple playing of hymns and the grandness of a concert pianist in lines 4-8. It shows the significance that D.H. Lawrence's mother had in his life.
    3. I feel as if the line "love austere and lonely offices", was used to show that his father was doing alot of work that he wasn't necessarily getting the proper payment for. He had to work to make even somewhat of a decent living. There wasn't much family time necessarily for him. This would make the love "distant" to a certain extent.
    4. The central theme of Those Winter Sundays is that appreciate what your parents gave to you and really embrace their true intentions before your gone. In the poem, its shows that he feels resentment by saying that "No one ever thanked him." It may also hint that he showed disrespect to his father at times by saying "Speaking indifferently to him." He mentions this because he probably feels like he needed to actually show respect to him for all the hard work hes done.

    1. In No. 1, you don't make the connection. Be sure to fully analyze your claim with evidence and explanation.
      In No. 2, how do the lines create the comparison? Again, you must show the connection. Then your responses would be richer and hold more value.

  5. 2A
    1.I think the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the text by giving the text feeling that the authors were feeling in that point of their life. For example, in "Piano" the author uses the word betray to symbolize that the feelings that were once happy for him was bring him pain. If whatever happened to his mother didn't happen he probably wouldn't have used the word betrayed.
    2. The central idea of "Piano" is that the memories of your past can have an impact on how you interpret things in your life. I came to this because in the text , when the narrator heard the song it took him back to the days when he was a kid playing the piano with his mother.
    3.When Hayden says "Love austere and lonely offices" I thought he meant that his father had to work alone and without an appreciative environment.
    4.The central Theme of "Those Winter Sundays" is that you should always appreciated what someone does for you. I came to this because in the text the narrative regretted not appreciating his dad for all the things that he did and the hard work that kept the narrator warm during the winters

    1. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. You need it in order to make your claims believable.

  6. 1. Poets are influenced by the things around them and in turn the poems the poets create will be about one of those things. For example, David Lawrence didn't have a great childhood. He always got sick, he wasn't like the other children, and he found it hard to make friends. In his poem "Piano", he talks about his troubling childhood and how he reacts when he is reminded by it.
    2, When Hayden wrote, "love's austere and lonely offices", he meant the things you do for the people you love, because people will do a lot of things for their loved ones and make sure that they have what they need or want.
    3. The theme of "Those Winter Sundays" is that people work hard to help their loved ones, even if they don't see it or thank them for it.
    4. Lawrence uses the word "betray" to show how the music made him remember his childhood and all the bad memories that came with it.

  7. to remind him of the good memories with his mother when he was younger.

    2. What is the central idea of “Piano”?
    The central idea of "Piano" is that the speaker really misses his old childhood days, where he would have fun with his mother, but he can't ever go back to those days. In the poem, it states "... a woman is singing to me; / Taking me back down the vista of years ...," and it reminds of him of his childhood memories. It continues to say "A child sitting under the piano ... / ... a mother who smiles as she sings," which is a memory the speaker recalls, with his mom, playing the piano and singing. However, as the poem continues, the speaker shows his discontent with this memories with the lines, "... childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast / Down in the flood or remembrance, I weep like a child for the past." These lines mean that now that the speaker is older, he doesn't want to dwell on his memories because he wishes he were back in those days, with his mother.

    3. What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
    By "love's lonely and austere offices," Hayden meant that love is harsh, but, more on parents, just like the speaker's in the poem. In "Those Winter Sundays," the speaker stated that his father got up early "... with cracked hands that ached / from labor ... made / banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him." This means that even though he was never thanked, the speaker's father still continued to work hard for the family. The father probably felt a little hurt by not being appreciated enough, showing how harsh love is for him, since his own children weren't able to show that they were thankful.

    4. What is the central idea of “Those Winter Sundays”?
    The central idea of "Those Winter Sundays" is that the speaker regrets not showing his appreciation for his father's hard work when he was younger. In the first stanza, the father had "... cracked hands that ached," but still got up early to light a fire, so that his family could wake up warm. It also states that "... No one ever thanked him," so the father felt under appreciated. The speaker was unaware of all the hard work his father did, so instead he feared him because of the "... chronic angers of that house," or the "tough love" the father may have shown in person, even though he did show his love through little acts like polishing the speaker's shoes. In the last few lines, the speaker voices out his regret by saying "What did I know, what did I know / of love's austere and lonely offices?," meaning he didn't know his father did all those as an act of love.

    1. Sorry, some part of the comment didn't post for some reason.


      1. How do the lives of the poets affect the maning of the texts?
      Both D.H Lawrence and Robert Hayden had rough childhoods. For Robert Hayden, he grew up in the foster system, and his foster family lived in a low-income neighborhood. Most likely his father worked very hard in order to provide for the family, and he probably didn't get enough appreciation from his children, just like the father in "Those Winter Sundays." Hayden probably wrote "Those Winter Sundays" to reflect that he, like the speaker, also regrets not being able to show how much he appreciated all the things the father did to work for his family. For D.H Lawrence, he was always sick when he was younger, but his childhood memories may have been good since his mother had made him become interested into literature. "Piano" was maybe written to show how he wished to go back to his childhood memories, though unfortunately he can't, and remind him of the good memories with his mother when he was younger.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 2B
    1.) The lives of the writers have a great impact on their writing. They express their past experiences through the poems. As a child, D.H Lawrence, struggled to fit in with his peers and had a close relationship with his mother until her death. This traumatic experience influenced him to write "Piano". The poem states "And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings". This shows how much he misses his mother. The author of "Those Winter Sundays" was raised by foster parents. This influenced him to write about showing his gratitude a little bit too late.

    2.) In the line "love's austere and lonely offices", Hayden showed how love is sacrifice. It is something that takes hard work and tough love for the ones you care about.

    3.) The theme of "Those Winter Sundays" is that regret can consume you in not showing appreciation for others. In the poem it says that the father had woken up early on Sundays, a day of rest. He also had beat up hands. The last lines say "What did I know?", meaning he has just now realized the hard work his father endured to love him.

    4.) Lawrence uses the word "betray" to emphasize how the music made him feel nostalgic about his childhood. It gave him a negative vibe and he feels hurt.

  11. 1. The lives of the D.H Lawrence and Robert Hayden affect the meaning of the texts because they are writing from personal experience. Both poets came from a rough background. D.H. Lawrence was raised in a working class family and he struggle to fit in with his peers. Robert Hayden grew up in a low-income Detroit neighborhood and he spent majority of his childhood in foster care. Without having these tough experiences, the poems would not carry as much meaning.
    2. The central idea of "Piano" is that the past cannot be relived. Having a nostalgic moment, the speaker of "Piano" wishes he could go back to his childhood where he felt content. "Down in a flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past."
    3. "Love's austere and lonely offices," is used to show that someone would give anything to provide for their loved ones."...cracked hands that ached from one ever thanked him" The father of the speaker would work long hours in the cold, harsh weather to make sure his family had everything they needed. He did this without any appreciation. Even though this was a rough situation for the father, he still kept at it because he loved his family.
    4. The central idea of "Those Winter Sundays," is appreciation. The speaker regrets not showing appreciation towards his extremely hard working father. The father had "cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather." However he was never thanked. The speaker would "speak indifferently" to him. He didn't realize what the father went through to support him. Once the speaker realizes how ungrateful he has been, he states, "what did I know, what did I know/ of love's austere and lonely offices."

    1. In No. 2, you need to tell me how the evidence supports your claim. Like you did in No. 3, the evidence is precisely explained.

  12. 2A
    1.) The lives of the poets impacted the meaning of the text greatly, for example D.H Lawrence mother was well-educated and loved literature and taught him what she knew and working-class upbringing made a strong impression on him also Robert Hayden parents separated at his birth and he spent most of his childhood in the foster care system , he witness a lot of verbal and physical abuse which traumatized him and resulted in debilitating depression, so he found comfort in literature

    2.) The central idea of “Piano” is that music recconnect a bitter-sweet memory of his childhood when his mother used to play the piano and how he missed the time he used to spend with her and her in general and wish he could relive those moments.

    3.) Hayden meant that love is involved in the work that the father is doing, love being the force that enables him to do it and that the father is lonely as a result of his unappreciated actions. He does what he does out of love, not the expectation of thanks when he said “love’s lonely and austere offices”.

    4.)The central idea of “The Winter Sundays” is to appreciate the people around you while you can because one day you'll regret not showing appreciation.

  13. 1.) The lives of the poets affects the meaning of the text by using past experiences and memories in their poems. For example, in Piano (by D.H Lawrence), his poem is about his past experience with his mother and how the songs of a piano bring up past memories of his childhood. As for "Those Winter Sundays (by Robert Hayden), his poem talks about his father and how he worked hard to support his family. From reading the poems, we can easily see that the authors use past experiences/memories for their poems.
    2.) The central idea of "Piano" is that the music from the piano brings back memories of the past. In this case, the whenever the author hears music from the piano, he thinks back of his childhood memories that he wish to relive. In stanza 12, it says, "Down in the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past." This phrase from the poem can make us infer that when the author hears music from the piano, it brings back old memories.
    3.) When Hayden said, “love’s lonely and austere offices?," he was referring to his father and was telling the reader about him. This quote from the poem tells the reader that his father had worked in a rather lonely and austere place. However, his father worked hard because he loved his family and wanted to support them.
    4.) The central idea of "Those Winter Sundays" is the work that the father puts in to support his family. In stanzas 1-4, it says, "Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made.." This phrase from the poem tells the reader that his father worked long and hard just to support his family.

  14. 1. The lives of poets affect their texts because their poems will most likely be about what their going through or what they have been through. They will want to express that through poems. Like D.H Lawrence, who had a very struggling pas where he didn't fit in with his peers and he was close with his Mother. This influenced him to write the poem Piano.
    2.The central idea of Piano is reminiscing childhood memories which you cannot relive. In the last stanza, it states "Of childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast. Down in the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past" which states that his manhood is now in present and his wants to go back to his childhood.
    3. The lines "love austere and lonely offices" mean that whatever the Father is doing, it is out of love even though he is unappreciated. He still loves his family and wants to support them.
    4. The central idea of "Those Winter Days" is that never take for granted the love people show you because you never know what will happen. You will regret not appreciating them for it. In the first stanza, it stated that his Father got up early in a cold morning to make heat even though his hands were aching but no one ever thanked him.

  15. 4B. 1. How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
    -The lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts by strengthening the mood and the feeling of the texts. Their personal experiences serve as the central theme and inspiration for their poems. For example, Robert Hayden. He was born to a "struggling couple" and was taken in by foster family. He had a traumatic childhood and has witnessed fights. And, "Those Winter Days" talked about a parent's love. He also mentioned "fearing the chronic angers of that house,"
    2. What is the central idea of “Piano”?
    -The central idea of "Piano" is that a mother and his child have strong bonds. In the poem, the speaker is remembering his past with his mother. The mother was smiling as she sings to him. As he reminisces his past with his mother, he cried like a child, throwing away his "manhood"
    3. What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
    -Hayden meant that his father, because of his love, has been putting so much effort for his family. He has been burdening himself with all the work and worries of the family.
    4. What is the central idea of “Those Winter Sundays”?
    -The central idea of "Those WInter Days" is that the speaker, when he was young, did not realize what his father has been doing and he regret not appreciating his father's action. In the poem he talked about how his father has cracked hands from working, and how his father "had driven out the cold" but he it was too late when he understood all his father's effort for the family, so in the last stanza he said "What did I know, what did I know /of love's austere and lonely offices?"

  16. 1. The lives of poets affects the meaning of text because poets write about their personal experiences to explain how they felt or feel in a poem. For example, Robert Hayden wrote “Those Winter Sundays” as a way to describe his regret of not thanking his father figure as a child.
    2. The central idea of Piano is it's hard (emotionally) growing up. The poet wrote "betrays be back, till the heart of me weeps". " The glamour of childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast down the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past". This is shows the poet is upset about his childhood memories from the past. It's hard for him to grow up because he misses his childhood days with his mother because whenever he thinks about it he cries.
    3. When Hayden used "love's austere and lonely offices", he was describing how he didn't realize all the hard work his father did for him was out of love. He also didn't realize his father worked hard to provide him with a good life.
    4. The central idea of "Those Winter Sundays" is you should appreciate what you have in your childhood while it lasts. The poet wrote “from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires ablaze. No one ever thanked him” “What did i know of love’s austere and lonely offices?”. This describes how the poet regrets not being able to thank his father for the work he had done for him.

  17. My comment isn't here when I posted it on the blog?

  18. 1. The lives of the poets effect the poems they right because the poems they write are usually based on their past experiences. For example, D.H Lawrence misses his mother/childhood, while Robert Hayden speaks about what his father did out of love, that wasn't acknowledged or thanked for.
    2.The Central idea of "Piano" by D.H Lawrence is how he misses/reminisces on his childhood and remembers his mother playing a lovely tune. A lady plays a similar tune to trigger his emotions from his childhood.
    3. I think the phrase "love's austere and lonely offices" says something about working out of love but is lonely and not acknowledged.
    4.For the poem "Those Winter Sundays", the central idea is to appreciate and be thankful for what your parents do for you. In the poem, his father works all week, having these rough hands and on sundays, he comes out of his way to give warmth to his family.

  19. 1. The lives of the poets effect the poems because the authors pour their actual feelings into their poems. Lawrence spoke out of grief from the loss of his mother and how he misses her in his poem. Hayden speaks about the troubled childhood he had and how he felt about his father and that house he grew up in.
    2. The central idea of "Piano," is how the author remembers the good times he shared with his mother, and the love of her voice and musical talent, while he sees a lady that reminds him of her. The main idea could be how memories play a great part in life, no matter how much a person may try not to think about them, there will always be that little reminder that brings them back to that memory.
    3. Hayden could possibly mean that the love he knew growing up made him feel isolated and that the love felt strict. To him, the love he received from his foster home may not have been warm. It could also mean how doing things out of love aren't always acknowledged and go unnoticed, making a person feel unappreciated.
    4. The central of "Those Winter Sundays," is to make sure the love and gratitude is always acknowledged . Without it, one may become bitter and feel like all that they do for someone else goes unappreciated.

  20. 1.) The lives of the poet affects the text because the readers may not be able to relate to the text as much as you do and for that they will not be able to have that connection with the story.
    2.) The central idea of the poem "Piano" is how the speaker keeps having flashbacks/memories of his past based off his mother. For example "Softly, in the dusk, a woman is singing to me; taking me back down the vista of years, till I see a child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings and pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings.
    3.) Hayden means that his father works really hard every sunday but doesn't get the respect he deserves. His work offices are very strict and are very serious about there job.
    4.) The central idea of "Those Winter Sundays" is that even though you wake up to the worst possible day ever and having to go somewhere even worse, you get to come home to something better and something peaceful.

  21. 1) The past experiences one goes through influences a person's choices and personality. A professional poet expresses their feelings through words that are shown through their poems. Hence the meanings of their poems are influenced by their experiences throughout they years.

    2) The line "love’s lonely and austere offices?” shows how one would sacrifice so much for their loved one even if they aren't acknowledge by them, even if they must suffer hardships and the loneliness.

    3) In the final stanza of the poem, the speaker expresses regret for "speaking indifferently" to his father and says that as he was growing up he was ignorant of "love's austere and lonely offices." Also his father shows his love for the speaker and his family due to the fact that he his working so hard with the many hardships and suffering crawling after him.

    4) Lawrence uses the word "betray" in order to show how nostalgic the memories are but, they are also a backstabbing sword that can bring back the unwanted memories as well.

  22. How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
    The lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts because most poets would make a poem according to their memories and what has happened in their lives. These could be could or bad memories and/ or experiences. For example, D.H. Lawrence had a hard time fitting in with his peers and a good relationship with his mother while growing up.

    What is the central idea of “Piano”?
    The central idea of "Piano" could be how memories can play a great role in your emotions and how you feel in life. These memories, no matter how badly you want to forget them, will always come back to mind. For example, in "Piano", he used the word "betray" to show how the memories that he didn't want, came back.

    What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
    Hayden means that his father's hard work is not very much appreciated nor respected. He meant how he goes to a strict and lonely workplace and does his hard work out of love.

    What is the central idea of “Those Winter Sundays”?
    The central idea is that appreciate what is given to you because these blessings could stop coming. For example, "from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires ablaze. No one ever thanked him”. This shows how hard his father worked and no one thanked him. But now that he's probably older, and no longer getting the same thing from him, he sees what he had.

  23. How do the lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts?
    The lives of the poets affect the meaning of the texts because most poets would make a poem according to their memories and what has happened in their lives. These could be could or bad memories and/ or experiences. For example, D.H. Lawrence had a hard time fitting in with his peers and a good relationship with his mother while growing up.

    What is the central idea of “Piano”?
    The central idea of "Piano" could be how memories can play a great role in your emotions and how you feel in life. These memories, no matter how badly you want to forget them, will always come back to mind. For example, in "Piano", he used the word "betray" to show how the memories that he didn't want, came back.

    What does Hayden mean by “love’s lonely and austere offices?”
    Hayden means that his father's hard work is not very much appreciated nor respected. He meant how he goes to a strict and lonely workplace and does his hard work out of love.

    What is the central idea of “Those Winter Sundays”?
    The central idea is that appreciate what is given to you because these blessings could stop coming. For example, "from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires ablaze. No one ever thanked him”. This shows how hard his father worked and no one thanked him. But now that he's probably older, and no longer getting the same thing from him, he sees what he had.

  24. 2B
    1. The lives of the poets affect the meanings of the texts because the poets express their feelings and what goes on in their lives through the poems. D.H. Lawrence was influenced to write "Piano" because he didn't have a great childhood and by writing this poem it reminded him of the memories and the good times he had with his mother. In "Those Winter Sundays" Robert Hayden talks about how his father always worked hard to provide for his family.

    2. This line implies that love is involved in the work that the father is doing and love is the force that drives him to do it. It also implies that the father does what he does out of love and the not for the expectation of thanks.

    3. The theme for "Those Winter Sundays" is don't take your parents for granted. In Robert Hayden's poem he describes his father as a very hard-working and determined parent working to provide for his family. Throughout the poem Hayden was writing in a form of regret for not appreciating his father when he had the chance to.

    4. Lawrence uses the word "betray" to symbolize how strong the memories were towards him. He didn't want to bring those memories back to remembrance because it would take him back down memory lane and bring him back to the past he was trying to avoid.
