Sunday, December 7, 2014

Simplexity Discussion

If you did not participate in our discussion of Simplexity, then you need to reply to this thread and answer the discussion questions:

  • What common ideas do you see in the responses to the central idea acitivity?
  • How does this text apply to our evacuations?
  • What does Kluger’s analysis of responses during an evacuation tell you about human nature and why people react as they do during a crisis?

This is an assessment grade.

And even if you participated verbally, you can still respond to this thread!


  1. The common idea that I saw for the Central Idea would be that Simplexity is basically saying how we should have more exits all throughout the building. This text mentioned having more evacuation routes and how chaos can be positive or negative. This text applies to our evacuations because we move out very slow and need more evacuation routes, Kluger's analysis of responses during an evacuation tells us that human nature will cause us to panic during a crisis and we react like this because we didn't expect it, are surprised, and are trying to protect ourselves.

  2. Common ideas that are in the responses would be that people's decisions may vary in a time of crisis. Some people will rush and panic to get out while some just take their time and keep calm. The text "Simplexity" applies to our evacuations because it describes how fire drills in school can be a joke to some students whereas it is a serious matter to other students. The way students behave in fire drills can affect they way they react in a real emergency - some might even think it's still a drill. In the text, it states "People have different levels of decision making skills, with some inevitably behaving more rationally than others." meaning that reactions are always unpredictable and it depends on the person and their personality. Kluger's analysis of responses during an evacuation tell's the reader that human nature is natural and people react as they do in a crisis because their main focus is to survive, without thinking about other people. The text tells how "We're mislead by our most basic instincts.. the belief that we know where.." and that sometimes people don't even know if there is a real danger and just act for themselves.

  3. The common idea I read for the central idea was that any type of emergency can affect how people react to the situation. This relates to our evacuations because we take our fire drills for granted because we have them every month and think its not real. When the real emergency happens, people will act differently. Some will remain calm and most chaotic. Kluger's responses tell me that human nature will not take any crisis in a calm way. Specially if its a life or death situation. They will go crazy and act chaotic. People act like that because they do not want to die and want to live

  4. The common idea was that people have different and distinct reactions to dangerous situations, which tends to create heterogeneous forms of evacuation. This relates to our evacuations because in the event of a real fire, everybody in the building will react differently and (attempt to) evacuate through different methods. Where some people may react to the danger in a calm, orderly fashion, others may react with panic and fear. Kluger's analysis of responses during an evacuation tells me that the nature of human's is varied among different individuals. People will react as they do to a crisis because they perceive and understand the threat differently.

  5. Common ideas in the responses for the central idea is that human behavior plays a huge role in evacuation plans in times of crisis, such as a fire drill, etc, and may even put us in more danger In the text, Kluger even says that "we're misled by our most basic instincts... the belief that we know where the danger is... when in fact we sometimes have no idea at all." This shows that our human behavior can endanger us even more, because our panic in times of danger causes us to not think clearly. This text applies to our evacuations because as stated in the text, people have "different levels of decision." In fire drills, people may think rationally, like, "Okay, this is serious, we need to move out of here quickly." However, others may be like "Eh, we always do these fire drills, I don't care." Even in the text, it stated that while some directly went to the exits, others first "saved their work" and to "visit the restroom." Even in a real emergency, people think differently, and some may have no care in the world. Kluger's analysis shows that it is only human nature for many to panic in a real emergency.

  6. Some common ideas in the responses for the central idea activity were that human behavior determines a lot during a time of crisis. This text applies to our evacuations because like Kluger said some people go do everything else before they evacuate the building then they take there time and get out when they want. People respond the way the do during a crisis because they panic and don't really think and just do what the first instinct is.

  7. One of the common idea that was in the responses was that the text was about the behaviors of people when in a dangerous situation. This text applies to our evacuation because we get to see the behaviors of people in real life when we have a fire drill. Most of the time people don't take it seriously and just stroll around because it is just a drill after all. But if it was a real case, there would definitely be a different response. People would panic rather than just slowly walk out the building, When facing a dangerous situation, people act on instinct and not on rational thoughts. That is what Simplexity has shown. People react differently because they're instincts tell them to act a certain way. All they're caring about is surviving.

  8. The common idea that was in the responses is the behavior and how we over think things to make them complex. This text applies to our evacuations because if there was a real evacuation people would be screaming and running and rushing to get out. It would be chaotic. Most of the time people don't take it seriously when its just a practice people take it as a joke and they think its funny.

  9. The common idea that was stated in the discussion was that evacuation policies are impossible to perfect. The behavior of a large group of people is unpredictable in an emergency situation. This uncertainty can be minimized by well designed evacuation plans, unlike our school evacuation plan, according to students of OHHS. Students say that our current plan in inadequate and potentially dangerous. I think that for a drill, it is satisfactory because students need guidance. However in a real emergency situation, it is very inadequate and it hurts more than helps.

  10. Central Idea for "Simplexity" would be people react differently in harsh or rough situations and will perceive the information differently from one another. In our evacuations people might use this time to come out the building quickly and orderly as possible then there are people who take this time to stop and interact with other people and will not take this time seriously. This is because everyone does not react the same way and think the same way. Klugers says in "Simplexity" that we should not blame how people act and that we should leave them alone because in his story he says people just receive the information differently and with that its their choice on what to do in this type of situation either care about people or use flight or fight mentality.

  11. The central idea of the text is decision making during evacuation. During horrific events, people seem to have different decision making skills, making it hard to process what's going on in their surroundings. "For one thing, people have different levels of decision-making skills, with some inevitably behaving more rationally than others." While the emergency evacuation is taking place, people get worried and do almost anything just to be safe and out of harms way. Since "Simplexity" was written based on 9/11, the people that were in that situation of the building crashing and them trying to evacuate to survive in a chaotic way and not an orderly fashion wouldn't be able to escape in peace or in one order. All the people think about is getting out instead of their safety.

    1. When explaining your quote, it shouldn't be a near verbatim of the quote. You can paraphrase and technically that counts as evidence.
