Monday, February 2, 2015

Simile/Woman/Moon Rondeau Discussion

Our discussion revolved around an open floor talk about the poems. In addition to responding to those questions, here are the questions for those that did not respond verbally:

  1. In “Simile,” why does Momaday use “latent flight”
  2. In “Moon Rondeau,” how does the moon’s description affect the poem?
  3. In “Woman,” what do you believe is the status of the relationship at the end of the poem?
  4. As for relationships, what is the status of the relationships in all three poems, and how are they different or similar?
Responses are due by Friday, Feb. 6. Any time-stamped response after the due date will not be graded (barring special exception). 


  1. For some reason it won't post any of my responses....>.< So I emailed you response instead, I hope this one get through.

  2. 1. In "Simile", Momaday uses the words "latent flight" to describe how the people, in this case the deer, are alert and aware. With their hooves firm, they are ready to move quickly.
    2. The moon's description affects the poem by describing the time in which the couple is having a child. It shows how through the seasons, or in this case the phases of the moon, show the birth of their baby.
    3. In the poem, "Woman", I believe that the couple at the end of the poem is still together. Although she chooses to be independent, there is no indication that the two broke up.
    4. All three poems have a couple going through some type of change whether it be positive or negative. All relationships showed no indication of breaking up so I think it is same to say that all of them are still together.

    1. When you do analysis, you must provide evidence and explain how your evidence supports your claim.

  3. 1.
    The speaker uses the phrase "latent flight" to describe how both people in the relationship were ready to give up or run away if something drastic were to happen. I would describe the tone of the poem to be more hazardous and quiet. The speaker uses deer as a metaphor and most of the time when you associate yourself with a deer, it is quiet and hazardous because you wouldn't want to scare the creature away.
    2. The stanza that provides a description of the moon that impacts the reader most intensely is stanza two. This is the stanza where the poem becomes more descriptive and the reader can start to imagine what the speaker means when he compares the moon to different objects. The speaker uses items such as "a silver button" and "a plaque of gold" to show the reader that the moon is as precious and lovely as the two people in the poem's relationship.
    At the end of the poem, "Woman", I think the status of the relationship at the end of the poem is that the couple is not together anymore. I believe that when the speaker says how the woman chooses to be independent, she means that the woman in the poem chooses to be independent with her life.
    All three poems have different couples going through different situations. In "Simile", the couple is on the edge of a break-up. In "Woman", the couple is going through a rough patch and the woman is deciding if the relationship is worth it anymore. In "Moon Rondeau", the couple is experiencing something new and beautiful.

    1. For Nos. 3 and 4, you have good ideas, but you need to support them with evidence.

  4. 1. In "Simile", Momaday uses "Latent flight" I feel to express the constant readiness that both he & his audience now have to flee any sign of impending danger or threat. I inferred that after some kind of argument, this "couple" has lost all sense of ease and expect some kind of renewal of anger or frustration, which they are constantly ready for. The saying presents them as being ready to fly/flee when necessary.

    2. The Poem "Moon Rondeau" expresses a romantic notion that moon is a symbol of the couples love.

    3. In the poem "Woman" I believe that this couple is still together due to the fact that their isn't really evidence of them separating/breaking up.

    4. All three poems discuss the nature of relationships. In "Simile" the poet talks about wariness of lovers (who have probably had an argument or disagreement) & compares them to vigilant deer. In "Moon Rondeau", two lovers compare their love to a door that opens on a beautiful spring evening. I feel like they see the moon as an emblem of their love. The poem "Woman" describes a woman who imagines herself as so many things (blade of grass, a web, etc) but her man will not go along with her & be her "support system". Finally, she decided to hold on to her own identity, regardless of what he does, think, or says.

  5. 1. The author uses the phrase "latent flight" to indicate that the couple are ready to fly/go away whenever they want, or when they know something /a situation is bad, that's going to affect them, being alert as a deer.
    2. The moon's description affects the poem to show the couple's love overtime, comparing and describing the phases of the moon to their relationship. In the poem "Woman", the woman wants to be this while the man, her partner doesn't. So she becomes her own woman while her partner doesn't want to be her man. In the poem
    3. In the end, the woman is single and is not in a relationship anymore. In the poem, the woman wants to do this while the man doesn't. He isn't supporting her, So when she wants to be a woman and he doesn't want to be her man, then she makes the decision to become an independent woman.
    4. For all three poems, I think they all deal with intimate relationships. For Simile, one of the partners in the relationship is alert and ready to run, or to leave. In the poem "Moon Rondeau" the poem states "we are the moon" and the poem talks about love as an open door. So this poem also uses an intimate relationship with 2 partners.

    1. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Without it, your claim holds no weight.

  6. 1. The author uses the phrase latent flight because the couple are ready to go away. They are as alert as deer.
    2. The moon's description is used to show the stages of the moon and the stages of relationship for the couple.
    3. The status of the woman is that she is now independant from the man since she became a "woman" while he did not become a man.
    4. They are all similar because they have to do with relationships. Each poem has to deal with the stages of relationship, mainly the ending of a relationship.

    1. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Without it, your claim holds no weight. Also, your explanations need to be deeper. In No. 2, how do they compare? Why is there a comparison?

  7. 1. The stanza that provides a description of the moon that impacts the reader most intensely is Stanza 2 which describes the phase of the moon by using imagery. For example, "A silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafer, a plaque of gold" utilize imagery to represent how love is like the phases the the moon. Love can start by a first meeting and have a bad climax, resulting in a break up. The author used the phases of the moon to represent love because it is always changing, just like the feelings of people change.
    2. Momaday compares the deer to a couple that is about to break up. In the poem, the author starts off by using a simile "We are as the deer" meaning that something happened to the couple, perhaps cheating, that have changed the way things are and now they are becoming more aware of each other by saying "With ears forward, with eyes watchful". The speaker uses the phrase "latent flight" to describe how either person in the couple is ready to leave them because the poem is all about a relationship gone wrong. The mood of this poem is heartbroken because going through a breakup is one of the most miserable times in life, and to find out that a couple is on the verge on one makes the reader heartbroken. The tone of this poem is bitter because the couple compares themselves to a deer who is always watchful, which could foreshadow cheating.
    3. The man in the poem "Woman" keeps the speaker from growing because the man is always unwilling or reluctant to support the woman in what she is trying to do. For instance, in Stanza 4 "She wanted to be a book, but he wouldn't read" explains how the woman has a goal but the man prevents her from achieving it because of his unwillingness. Then, the last stanza makes a turn from the rest of the poem with the woman finally wanting to become herself and do things for the sake of her being. In the lines "She decided to become a woman, a though he still refused to be a man, she decided it was all right." means that the woman will not rely on a man's support but her own, and it could foreshadow a possible break up between the two people.
    4. In all three poems, there seems to be a love that is slowly diminishing and a relationship that is about to break up. In "Woman", it talks about how a woman doesn't need the support of a man to grow - possible break up. In "Simile", it describes how trust is a significant factor in a relationship and if there is no trust, both of the people will always be on their toes. Lastly, in "Moon Rondeau", it explains how love is ever changing and there will be a tipping point for the people in a relationship.

    1. No. 1: In the future, you must adequately support your claim. If you say the progress of the moon can show a bad climax, how does the imagery show that? From my point-of-view, I don't immediately see it, so you need to explain it.
      In No 2, I see what you're getting at, but "heartbroken" isn't a mood per se. Think of another adjective that would work. Right idea, but not the best word.
      Good analysis in No. 3

  8. 1.The author uses the phrase latent flight because the couple are ready to go away when they have any problem with people.They are as alert as deer.
    2. The Poem "Moon Rondeau" expresses a romantic moment when couples are in relationship.
    3. In the poem, "Woman", I believe that the couple at the end of the poem is still together. Although she chooses to be independent, there is no indication that the two broke up.
    4. They are all similar because they have to do with relationships. Each poem has to deal different types relationship, mainly the ending of a relationship.

  9. 1. Momaday used "latent flight" in Simile to show the current situation in the couple's relationship. It shows how the couple is treading carefully around each other. Both of them are being cautious so that they won't set the other one off. Momaday compared the couple to deer. This describes it perfectly. When you see a deer, it will stare at you until you make a move, and that's when they will run. The couple is both waiting for the other to make a move, like the deer, so that they can run away. This shows a rocky time in the couple's relationship.
    2. The moon's description in "Moon Rondeau", shows the different phases that the couple goes through and it overall represents their relationship. It also shows the different perspective that each person has in the relationship. In the text it say "They looked at the moon and called it...". It went on listing the different names. Noting that it said "they", we don't know for sure who said what. But one person in the relationship may see the relationship as a vanished diadem (which is expensive and valuable) while the other may see it as a silver button (which is not very valuable and the total opposite of a diadem).
    3. I believe that the relationship ended by the end of the poem. Throughout the whole poem, the female tried to mold herself into something that she wasn't just so that she could satisfy the male and make him stay. At the end, the female said she became a woman and he did not want to be a man and she was fine with that. That means that she stopped pretending to be someone that she wasn't and she was fine with leaving the male behind if he didn't accept her for her.
    4.I think that the relationship status in all three poems are on a breaking point. All of the couples are having problems and things aren't how they use to be when the relationship first began. All of the poems used vivid imagery. The imagery was created by the metaphors and the similes that the authors used.

    1. Interesting view on No. 2. In the future, make sure your evidence backs up your analysis. You'll need to include other parts of the poem to support the idea that they see the relationship different, as throughout the poem the speaker uses plural pronouns.
      In No. 3, provide more evidence from the text to support the idea that she is molding herself. I know that, you know that, but I need to see that you can pull evidence to support your claim.
      In No. 4, I need more evidence to support that each used vivid imagery.

  10. 1. The "Simile" Momaday use "latent flight" to describe how the deer is ready to react. In the poem the deer represents the couple or even siblings. I believe the deer is ready to react because maybe the couple is on the verge of fighting or ready to leave the situation that they have with each other.
    2. In "Moon Rodeau" the moon really affects the poem because the moon can stand for many things. For an example the moon can stand for the phases of the moon, or maybe the love that the couple has for each other and how love can eventually fade away or "set".
    3. In "Woman" I believe the status of the relationship at the ending is that the woman ends up accepting the fact the the man she is with isn't going to support her, and with her being ok with that.
    4. The status of all three of the poems is that all relationships go through ups and downs. Throughout all three of the poems I noticed that relationships have times where you either dislike that person at the time, not feel appreciated, or just really love that person that you are with. In "Simile" it talks about how a couple is almost on the verge of leaving each other or fighting. In "Woman" it talks about how a woman goes through a situation with a man who doesn't appreciate her. In "Moon Rondeau" it talks about a couple who are in the beginning of the relationship and who are in love with each other.

  11. 1. In Simile Momaday uses latent flight to describes the deers/people in a relationships limbs because they are alert and ready to take off at any moment.
    2. In Moon Rondeau the way the moon is described effects the poem by making you think of how the couples relationship changes like the moon rising from the horizon.
    3. I think the relationship between the man and woman in Woman is an intimate one because through out the whole poem Nikki Giovanni used metaphors to explain how the man is holding her and how she has to go on and be her on women.
    4. In every poem each relationship was in intimate one. Each poem may have an intimate couple but in Simile and Woman the relationship seems to be in trouble and the couple seems to not be able working things out but in Moon Rondeau the relationship seems to be going well.

  12. 1. In "Simile", Momaday uses "latent flight" to shows that couple are ready to leave in case the situation gets bad, just like how deers are.
    2.The moon's description affects the poem showing how the couple's would be as time goes just like how the moon phases changes overtime.
    3. In the poem "woman", the woman ended up as single since he doesn't want to be her partner at anything. The woman accepted it became independent.
    4. For all three poems, each relationship was unsettled. In "Simile" it describes how the couple are ready to leave each other but neither one of them wants to be the one who ends it. In "Woman", the woman seems like she wasn't in relationship at all since the man doesn't want to be her partner no matter how hard she tries to suit him but the man never appreciate her. In "Moon Rondeau" it talks about the couple who seems to be in the beginning of relationship and as they looked at the moon they thought of it like their relationship, like how moon's phases changes overtime which indicates love is ever changing for them.

  13. 1. The writer uses that because the couple are ready to leave at any moment
    2. The moon's description is used to show the stages of the moon and the stages of relationship for the couple
    3. At the end of the poem, "Woman", I think the status of the relationship at the end of the poem is that the couple is not together anymore. I believe that when the speaker says how the woman chooses to be independent, she means that the woman in the poem chooses to be independent with her life.
    4. In every poem each relationship was in intimate one. Each poem may have an intimate couple but in Simile and Woman the relationship seems to be in trouble and the couple seems to not be able working things out but in Moon Rondeau the relationship seems to be going well.

  14. 1. Momaday used "latent flight" to express how the deer or the people are ready to leave or go away when something happens. In the poem, the people were compared to the deer that is always looking out for danger, then used the phrase "latent flight". This tells the audience that the people in that relationship were waiting for something to happen, and they are prepared to say goodbye when that danger comes.
    2. The moon's description affect the poem by conveying to the audience that the couple were very in love with each other. The description of the moon shows how deep the two people were in love. With the line "Late in the hours of that evening", the different descriptions of the moon, and knowledge, the audience know that the two people spent the night together just looking at the moon, and that they are satisfied just spending their time together.
    3. At the end of "Woman", the two people are still together. There is no sign that the man and woman separated. The last stanza of the poem can be taken as the woman accepted that the man cannot and will not be her support; she understood that she can do what she wants with or without him.
    4. -In "Simile", the relationship is on the verge of breaking up. In "Moon Rondeau", the beginning of the relationship is sweet. In "Woman", the woman accepted the man who he is and decided to stay with him. As stated, the status of relationship in all three poems are different. In addition, the three poems talks about the different stages or moments of a relationship. "Simile" talks about two people that are ready to abandon each other because of something that happened in the past. "Woman" talks about a one-sided love, when one person refuses to support the other person, and how a person would react. "Moon Rondeau" talks about how two people would act in the beginning of a relationship. The three poems did not explicitly tell what type of relationships do the people have. Were they siblings? Is it paternal? Were they husband and wife or just boyfriend and girlfriend? But one can infer that the three poems talked about intimate relationships and also its phases.

  15. 1.) In the poem “Simile” Scott Momaday uses “latent flight” to describe how in a relationship the couple was ready to run away from their problems. He uses a deer to describe how that they are hiding their problems and ready to flee when things get really tough. For example after hearing the slightest sound a deer takes off, and that’s how Momaday perceives the relationship.
    2.) In the poem “Moon Rondeau” the description of the moon describes both the phases of the moon and love. It affects the poem by describing how priceless the moon and love can be. He compares it to multiple objects as in “a silver button” and “A brass hat dripping from deep water.” his comparisons gradually increased in size as the moon does when it rises.
    3.) In the poem “Woman” I think that the status of the relationship at the end of the poem is that they aren’t together anymore. At the end of the poem it states that “she decided to become a woman and though he still refused to be a man she decided it was all right” which leads me to believing that she became independent and didn't bother to continue to waste her time on someone who wouldn't support anything that she did.
    4.) In each poem the relationship status is different. In “Simile” a couple is going through a rough time and are on the verge of a breakup. While in “Woman” the man was not supporting what his spouse/partner was doing, and in the end she decided to be herself and independent. Finally in “Moon Rondeau” the couple experiences what it feels like to have priceless moments, that grew over time and turned into something beautiful. “Simile” and “Woman” are similar because they both involve a couple going in different directions.

    1. In No. 2, you make the connection between love and moon and give sufficient evidence. But I need you to tell me how the comparison works - what does the size and color say about love?

  16. 1. Latent simply means something that is capable of happening but hasn't happened yet. In Simile, I think a couple got into bad fight and both spouses was waiting for someone to let go, but didn't want to make the first move, “latent flight” so they just stay together unhappily and stubborn.
    2. The moons description was a metaphoric way of describing the love the couple shared and the different stages they go through together, just like the moon.
    3. At the end of the poem I think the status of the relationship is single because she transformed herself into all these different hoping he would evolve with her but he refused no matter how many opportunities she gave him, so she gave up and decided to evolve into a woman, even though he didn't want to be a man.
    4. I seen all of these relationships as being intimate. Simile was about a broken relationship that was on the verge of the couple separating. Woman was about a woman wanting a man but he wasn't trying to accept her love and after a while she gave up. Moon Rondeau is most likely about an intimate relationship that just got serious and how they plan to together no matter what comes their way.

    1. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. You have good points, but you do not give them help by supporting them.

  17. 1. In "Simile", Momaday uses the phrase "latent flight" to express the difficulty of breaking off the relationship that the couple seem to want to end. Throughout the poem, the deer, symbolizing the couple, are gradually leading to breaking up. Also, the word latent means to be hidden/undecided/concealed. The word flight means to take off. Using these contrasting words as a phrase may indicate that the couple are having trouble with confronting their current situation, or may be waiting for the other to make the first move towards ending the relationship.

    2. In "Moon Rondeau," the moon's description makes the poem more realistic, even though it uses figurative language. The moon is described with different metals and colors. In the beginning of the poem, the couple embrace their new relationship by stating, (Stanza 1, Line 1) "Love is a door we shall open together." By describing the moon as (Stanza 2, Lines 8-10) as "a silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafer, a plaque of gold..", this brings reality to the ups and downs of love and relationships. The metals could be a symbol for the ups and downs, because some metals are most valuable than others, such as gold being more valuable than bronze.

    3. In "Woman," the status by the end of the poem could possibly be the end of the relationship. During the poem, the woman is constantly trying to reach her full potential, while the man is refusing to support her through her dreams. For example, (Stanza 4, Lines 14-15) "She tried to be a book, but he wouldn't read", the woman wanted to maybe start a new hobby or career, but the man refused to be her support system. At the end of the poem, the woman realizes her worth and how she can do well on her own ("She decided to become a woman"), and decided to leave the man in order to become something greater.

    4. In all three poems, the status of the relationships are intimate, whether it be a starting relationship or an ending one. In "Simile," the relationship is ending, as well as in the poem "Woman."

    1. Nos 1-3 have good analysis and good use of academic vocabulary. In No. 4, you could have elaborated more.

  18. 1) In "Simile" Momaday uses "latent flight to describe that the couple is ready to run. Line 7 says "With hooves always placed on firm ground". The couple is being compared to deer because they become alert when they sense that something unusual is about to happen.
    2) In "Moon Rondeau", the moon's description affects the poem because it indicates the many phases of love which is being compared to the many phases of the moon.
    3) At the end of the poem in "Woman", the status of the relationship is that they are both single. The man wasn't supporting the woman which led to the woman discontinuing the relationship
    4) All three poems are an intimate relationship. In "Simile", one is alert and is ready to run /leave signifying that the relationship is at an uneasy stage. In "Woman", both are single because of one not supporting the other. In "Moon Rondeau", the relationship is well and the couple is beginning a new chapter in their life. Of all the three poems, the only relationship that seems to be going fine is in "Moon Rondeau".

    1. Nos. 2-4 need evidence to support the claims.

  19. 1. The text that has an outline of the moon that impacts the reader most intensely is text a pair of that describes the part of the moon by using imagination. Love will begin by a primary meeting and have a foul climax, leading to a possibility up. The author used the phases of the moon to represent love as a result of it's continuously dynamical, similar to the emotions of individuals modification.For instance, "A silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafer, a plaque of gold" utilize imagination to represent however love is just like the phases the the moon.
    2. Momaday compares the deer to some that's on the brink of hack. within the literary composition, the author starts off by employing a trope "We are because the deer" which means that one thing happened to the couple, maybe cheating, that have modified the means things are and currently they're turning into a lot of alert to one another by speech communication "With ears forward, with eyes watchful". The tone of this literary composition is bitter as a result of the couple compares themselves to a deer who is usually watchful, that may be cheating. The speaker uses the phrase "latent flight" to explain however either person within the couple is prepared to go away them as a result of the literary composition is all a few relationship gone wrong. The mood of this literary composition is brokenhearted as a result of a breakup is one in all the foremost miserable times in life, and to seek out out that some is on the verge on one makes the reader brokenhearted.
    3. The person within the poem "Woman" keeps the speaker from growing as a result of the person is usually unwilling or reluctant to support the girl in what she is attempting to try to to. for example, in text four "She needed to be a book, however he would not read" explains however the girl encompasses a goal however the person prevents her from achieving it due to his disposition. Then, the last text makes a flip from the remainder of the poem with the girl finally eager to become herself and do things for the sake of her being. within the lines "She determined to become a girl, a tho' he still refused to be a person, she determined it absolutely was o.k.." means the girl won't deem a man's support however her own, and it may augur a doable hack between the 2 folks.
    4. altogether 3 poems, there looks to be a love that's slowly decreasing and a relationship that's on the brink of hack. In "Simile", it describes however trust may be a vital think about a relationship and if there's no trust, each of the folks can continuously air their toes. Lastly, in "Moon Rondeau", it explains however love is ever dynamical and there'll be a tipping purpose for the folks in an exceedingly relationship.
    In "Woman", it talks concerning however a girl does not want the support of a person to grow - doable hack.

  20. 1.Momaday uses "Latent flight"because the relationship determined from the poem shows the reader that they may be on the verge of a break up or something big happening in the relationship.Latent means to have potential and when you add flight it like something is going to happen but it just needs something for it to happen.
    2.The moon seems to get bigger and bigger with each description possibly like the love of a couple
    3.The status of the relationship is that the woman is moving on while the man still refuses to support her
    4.The status of all 3 relationships in these poems are all different because it could have been the poet that made each one relate to themselves or how we interpreted them."Simile"is a like "Woman" because of how the relationship is going ,in both poems it looks like the relationships are going to end because of the decisions of the people in the relationship."Moon Rondeau" is the only poem where everything seems to go good,thats how this poem is different from the others

  21. In simile momaday use those words to convey the message. Latent Flight , my perception of these words means that these feelings that are fading or not being seen (hidden) in the relationship are actually disappearing (taking flight) in the relationship.

    The moon quality starts to fade in this poem and in the poem the moon represents the love between the lovers in the relationship. So this indicates that the love between the lovers is also loosing its spark. *SIlver to bronze*

    In the poem women , I believe that there is no longer a relationship established between the man and the women . Once the women took into consideration that she doesn't need the man to complete her, she did it on her own which made her the women. The words "on her own" indicates that there is no relationship there anymore.

    The Status of the relationships are pretty much not good in all three poems. Some are worse than others however. For example in women, There was no relationship in the end. In "Moon Rondeau" there was still a relationship but it was loosing its spark or quality. Lastly in "Simile" The relationship was fadding and it was obvious that it would soon end or take "Flight".

    1. "Simile" is a poem. Momaday is the author. Both are proper nouns.

      "Women" is a poem by Alice Walker. I believe you may need to redo No. 3 as we were reading "Woman" by Nikki Giovanni.

      Also, all responses either need evidence or stronger evidence. For example, in No. 3, I can argue against your point by saying that the speaker says "People like us own the moon." The moon never changes shape, and since it is a romantic icon, it is not diminishing in size, which would correspond with a relationship waning (like a moon does). In fact, the imagery shows they were watching the moon set, which takes several hours. That signifies they wanted to be together at night, which alludes to romantic desires.

      Not to say that you're incorrect, but you must learn to fully support your claim and overcome counterclaims in order to make your point valid.

  22. 2A
    1. In “Simile,” why does Momaday use “latent flight”?
    Momaday uses "latent flight" to show that the "deer," or the two people in this relationship, are getting ready to end it. However, they are being very careful about it. In the poem it says "with ears forward / with eyes watchful," meaning that although these two people no longer feel like having a relationship, they are hesitant to end it. They are probably both waiting and watching for the right moment to use their "limbs," or break off the relationship.
    2. In “Moon Rondeau,” how does the moon’s description affect the poem?
    The moon's description can show the stages of the relationship of these two people. In the poem it states, "A silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafter, / A plaque of gold, a vanished diadem, / A brass hat dripping from water," which represents both the moon's/sun's sizes through a night but also the stages of the relationship. Their relationship grew bigger, like it became more valuable between the two, and they see a future together.
    3. In “Woman,” what do you believe is the status of the relationship at the end of the poem?
    At the end of the poem, the relationship between these two have ended. Throughout the poem, it stated how "she" wanted to do things but "he" did not. For example, "she wanted to be a blade / of grass amid the fields / but he wouldn't agree / to be the dandelion," meaning he did not want to support the decisions she was making, so she doesn't follow through. Another example would be "she decided to become / a woman / and though he still refused / to be a man / she decided it was all / right," meaning she became a woman, and even if the man refused to support her through this, she realized that she didn't need to be led by him, because she can lead herself and she let him go.
    4. As for relationships, what is the status of the relationships in all three poems, and how are they different or similar?
    In both Woman and Simile, the relationships are nearing its end or have actually ended by the end of the poem, while Moon Rondeau expresses how much love is between two people. Woman and Simile are similar because they both talk about how a relationship is starting to go two ways and not one way. In Woman, she decided to become a woman without him becoming a man ("she decided to become / a woman / and though he still refused / to be a man / she decided it was all / right") and in Simile, the two had become like deer "in whose limbs there is latent flight," like they are getting ready to run away from each other, or break it off. Moon Rondeau is the only poem where the two people in relationship seem to be doing fine, as they compared their love to the size of a moon throughout the evening, becoming bigger and for the relationship, more valuable.

    1. I like your analysis for No. 2.

      As usual, good analysis and use of evidence.

  23. 1. In the poem Simile by Momaday, he uses the term "latent flight" to show the couples relationship status. We can infer that the deer symbolizing the couple. From context clues we can see that they are potentially going to break up. But how do we know this? The word latent means to be dormant or hidden. This could be the feelings that the couple have for each other. They aren't showing any more emotion or affection. The word flight means to take off. This might mean the the couple is considering leaving each other. From this we cans conclude that their relationship is on the rocks and that any catalyst could end it at any moment

    2. In Moon Rondeau, the poet compares love to a celestial object, which is the moom. The moon is described in a variety of colors and precious metals. This can been seen in Stanza 2, Lines 8-10. The poet says "a silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafer, a plaque of gold". The size of the objects seem to grow and change color. This can be compared to the moon in different seasons. Also, the size could be showing the growth of the couple over time.

    3. In Woman, I feel that the man is trying to put down the woman by telling her what she can't do, but the woman does eventually grow because she realized that you don't have to be with anyone who is holding you down. You have control over your own life. In lines 14-15, she says; "she tried to be a book but he wouldn't read" This is an analogy for her trying to find mutual ground. But the man wouldn't concur with her. At the end of the poem, it says; "she decided to become a woman and though he still refused to be a man she decided it was all right" This can be interpreted as her finally realizing that you can't please everybody and that you have to move on if they keep holding you down.

    4. In all three poems, the status of the relationships are intimate. However, they are all different. Similie, shows a relationship that is dying out. Moon Rondeau shows a relationship that is growing over time. The poem Woman describes a relationship where a person was being held down, but finally over came the negativity.

    1. I like how the word "intimate" shows up 14 times on this post, yet no one really explains how all three are intimate. The word means many things; therefore, this word needs to be heavily explained. Is it close? Is it sexual? Is it knowledgeable? Be careful to not borrow from other analysis as they may not be fully complete. Use your own judgement.

  24. 1.) In "Simile" Momaday uses "latent flight" to describe how the two people in the relationship feel about each other. In other words, both of the people in the relationship were ready to give up on each other and run away. The use of "latent flight" can help the reader make an inference that the couple isn't happy with each other and they are just about ready to leave.
    2.) The phases of the moon in Moon Rondeau affects the poem by expressing the couples love for one another over each time. Each phase of the moon foreshadows the changes in the couples relationship. As the moon gets smaller, their love for one another gets smaller too.
    3.) In the poem "Women," it seems that the couple is still together because there no textual evidence that shows the couple separating from each other. However, we can easily infer that the husband doesn't support the wife.
    4.) All three poems are somewhat similar to each other. For starters, they all involve love, couples, and relationships. However, all three poems expresses problems within each relationship. In Simile, the couple is ready to leave and give up on each other. In Moon Rondeau, the couples love for each other slowly die. Lastly in Women, the husband doesn't support the wife.

    1. "Women" is a poem by Alice Walker. We are reading "Woman" by Nikki Giovanni.

      Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Where is it? You need it to support your claims.

  25. 1. The definition for "latent" means to be present or potential, but not currently evident or active. The phrase "latent flight" describes the readiness of the couple to break away and run from each other, but they haven't really gotten to break up just yet.
    2. "Moon Rondeau" uses the description of the moon to compare its setting and waning to the state of a relationship. As the moon progressively wallows away, the relationship also deteriorates.
    3. In "Woman", there is no word of whether the Man and the Woman remain as a couple. If they didn't break up, then it could be that their relationship is estranged now that the Woman lacks the need of support from the Man.
    4. All of the relationships described in these poems are practically broken and torn. The people do not have the love and compassion expected in a brand new relationship. The lack of romance, however, differs significantly in each poem. In "Simile", the couple is on the verge of breaking up, though the action still has yet to come. In "Moon Rondeau", the relationship continually crumbles like the slow setting of the moon, when once their romance was bright and beautiful, it has now set into the darkness. The relationship in "Woman" most likely ended. or the couple is now very alienated. Now that the Woman has become independent and requires no support from the Man, it could be said that the Man's ignorance and estrangement has been shared with the Woman, so now their lack of want of support separates them.

    1. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence. Evidence.

      I don't agree with your point in Nos. 2 and 4 with regards to "Moon Rondeau." If you had evidence, I'd believe you. But as I see it, this is the only poem of the trio where the relationship is in good standing. If you have evidence to prove otherwise, you'd have gotten a better grade. It's not about being wrong or right; it's about being able to support a claim with evidence and explanation.

  26. 1. In Simile, Momaday uses "latent flight" to describe that in case there is a bad situation, there are ready to leave/go. They have the alert level of a deer.
    2. The moons description affect the poem because it shows the stages of the moon and the stages of the relationship.
    3. I believe that they are still together because even though she chooses to be alone, there was no evidence that supported they are separated.
    4. For all the poems, the relationships are intimate. In Simile and Woman, the relationships are ending. In Simile, one is ready to flee. In Woman, they are not supporting each other. In Moon Rondeau, their relationship is still in good standing and things are working out.

    1. Evidence. Evidence, Evidence. Evidence. Your claim doesn't hold weight if you can't defend it.

  27. The author uses the phrase "latent flight" in “Simile” because the couple is always alert for any situation just like deers, there are alert for anything, ready to go away.
    In “Moon Rondeau,” the description of the moon affects the story because the phases of the moon like “A silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafter, A plaque of gold, a vanished diademA silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafter” is like the emotion the couple will go thur.
    I think the status in “Women” is that they are over because the man wasn't supporting the women in the relationship as it saids in the poem “she tried to be a book but he wouldn't read” and as it said in the end “she decided to become a woman and though he still refused to be a man she decided it was all right” so she became single and left him.
    The status in the relationship in “simile” they are afraid about what would happen later in the relationship as it said “with heads high with ears forward with eyes watchful with hooves always placed on firm ground. The status in “Women” is that they ended the relationship because the man wasn't supporting her in the relationship so she decided to to stop being with him like it said “she decided to become a woman and though he still refused to be a man she decided it was all right”.The status in “Moon Rondeau” is that they are starting to fall in love because it said “Love is a door we shall open together”.

  28. 1. The author uses “latent flight” in Simile because the couple are acting like deers ready to leave if something bad is about to affect them and they don’t want to get hurt.

    2. The moon’s description affects the poem because the moon’s phases is being compared to the relationship of the couple.

    3. At the end of “Woman” the relationship is over. The boy never wanted to support the girl when she needed him. Like in the poem”she wanted to be a blade of grass amid the fields but he wouldn't agree to be the dandelion”. Also “she wanted to be a robin singing
    through the leaves but he refused to be her tree”. When she needed him the most he
    didn’t step up to the plate. In the poem it states “she decided to become a woman and
    though he still refused to be a man she decided it was all right”. I’m inferring when
    she became a woman and he refused to be a man, that’s when she left him.

    4. In Simile the couple is afraid of what’s gonna happen next in there relationship, thats why there ready to run if something bad happens in the relationship. In Women the relationship has a once was a true love relationship turned into a broken down one because the boy doesn’t support the girl, so the girl leaves him. In Moon Rondeau it has a relationship that has just started and maybe had there first special moment staying up the whole night together.

  29. 1.In Simile, Momaday uses “latent flight” to describe how the couple is always ready to leave the relationship if anything happens. He compares them to deer to show they are alert and quick to leave the relationship.
    2. The moon’s description affects the poem because it is compared to the love the couple has for each other. Each phase of the moon represents how their love grows. For example the poem states “A silver button, a copper coin, a bronze wafter” these descriptions of the moon describe how the moon is growing bigger. Since the moon represents their love, it shows their love grows and develops.
    3. In the end of the poem, I believe the status of the relationship is single. The poem states “ she decided to become a woman and though he still refused to be a man, she decided it was all right”. This explains to the reader that the woman moved on in the relationship and the boy didn’t want to become a man and he didn’t want to support her, so the relationship ended.
    4. The status of the relationship in all three poems is altering. In “Simile” the relationship is changing because they are at “latent flight”, meaning they are ready to end it at any time. In “Woman” the speaker is becoming independent and leaving the relationship because she has no support. In “Moon Rondeau” the relationship status is altering because their love in growing. They are different because rather than a relationship being in trouble in “Simile” and “Woman”, in “ Moon Rondeau”, the relationship is positive and developing.

    1. In No. 1, you give a good analysis, but use more evidence from the poem to support your claim.

  30. 1.In “Similie” Momaday uses “latent flight” to describe how the couple is always ready to leave the relationship if something happens. He compares them to deer to show how anxious and in a hurry they are to leave their relationship.
    2.The moons description affects the poem because it is comparing it to the couples relationship and the love they have for each other. Each phase or step of the moon is showing how their love is growing and becoming more pure.
    3. I believe at the end of the poem that the couple was no longer together, because in the poem it states the “she decided to become a woman and though he still refused to be a man she decided it was all right”. This says to me that she became independent and self determining and decided she wasnt going to waste her time on someone who doesnt support her.
    4.In each poem the relationship statuses vary. In “Simile” a couple was going through hard times and are on the verge of breaking up. While in “Woman” the man was not supporting what his lover or spouse was doing and going through, and in the end she decided to be by herself. Also in “Moon Rondeau” the couple see’s what it feels like to have special moments, and their relationship grew into something special. “Simile” and “Woman” are similar because they both involve a couple going different ways and having issues.

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