Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Seventh Man - Discussion

Today we will discuss the following questions:
  • Why do you think the narrator fails to rescue K? What does this say about his character?
  • What is the central idea of the text?
  • Closely read “The Seventh Man” by Haruki Murakami. What inferences and/or conclusion can draw about the narrator based on what you have read? What textual evidence supports your inferences?
  • What theme or central idea about fear does Murakami explore in “The Seventh Man”? How does his use of figurative language help him advance his theme? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.
We will hold a whole-class discussion of the questions. You will be graded on your responses by the following scale:
Strength of Claim: (1-Claim/idea presented is under-developed and does not contribute to discussion; 2 - Claim/idea presented is mostly developed and adds to the discussion; 3 - Claim/idea is highly developed and enhances the discussion
Quality of Evidence: (1 - Use of evidence does not support claim/idea; 2 - Use of evidence mostly supports claim/idea and shows understanding of the text; 3 - Use of evidence supports claim/idea and show understanding of the text.

Write your responses below if you didn't participate verbally. Anyone is free to submit and continue the conversation.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Simplexity Discussion

If you did not participate in our discussion of Simplexity, then you need to reply to this thread and answer the discussion questions:

  • What common ideas do you see in the responses to the central idea acitivity?
  • How does this text apply to our evacuations?
  • What does Kluger’s analysis of responses during an evacuation tell you about human nature and why people react as they do during a crisis?

This is an assessment grade.

And even if you participated verbally, you can still respond to this thread!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Whitman Pinwheel Discussion

Today we discussed the Whitman biography, poem, and letter. Now how are they connected?

In the reply field below, answer the following question:

What theme or central idea connects these three texts?

Due Sunday, Nov. 30 for 1A/2A/4B. Due Wednesday, Dec. 3 for 2B.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Extra Credit Time: The Shortest Story

Ernest Hemingway is claimed to have written one of the
shortest stories ever. It's not sure if it was him or if his story was original (which really it isn't if Wikipedia is to be believed), but the story itself is pretty powerful - and in just 33 characters:

For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.

Is this a story? If so, what is it about?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Discussion Brawl - Whitman's poetry

If you did not verbally participate in the Discussion Brawl, you must post your analysis here for a participation grade. If you participated verbally and I was satisfied with your response (you'll know if I am not), you can do this post voluntarily.

Be sure to include inferences, text evidence, and a good claim.

What will be helpful is if the first line of your post is your period (1A, 4B, etc.).

Posts are due by the start of next class.

Friday, October 31, 2014

A peer wins the world's top award

What did you do in your last science class? Experiments? Take notes? Tweet something "inspiring" to your followers?

For Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan, she was learning about electrolysis in her chemistry class. Oh, and she was told that she was the youngest person ever to win the world's highest honor.

Malala Yousafzai,17, is sharing the Nobel Peace Prize with an Indian man. It's a pretty big deal. The Nobel Peace Prize goes to the person who has made the biggest impact globally on bringing humankind together and actually doing something worthwhile. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's Halloween! Let's tell a scary story!

As a kid, these stories were super scary. Source: Wikipedia
In celebration of the holiday meant to scare* you, let's tell scary stories.

But I really don't have time to read novels. Let's make things interesting by having you tell a scary story in 140 characters - essentially writing a horror story in a tweet.

Difficult, right? Well, that's the point - it's a challenge! But let's be clear about some things: Make it scary, but don't make it crude or too macabre. Be creative and have some fun. And it must original!

Oh, did I mention that all responses get one homework extra credit point, while the winner - determined by me - gets five points? Yeah, that's a thing. And it's for the second quarter, not this one.

Reply below in the comment field by 11:59 pm on All Hallow's Eve (Oct. 31). Hopefully you made your identity your name so I can tell who you are. Good luck!

*So, to me, scary movies aren't scary. They're startling. The knife-wielding manic that jumps out of the bushes doesn't scare me; it startles me. I sense no fear from that.

Saw, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and any of those "conjuring" or "exorcism" movies aren't scary because they do not create fear. There's anticipation, but no real fear or dread - at least in my opinion.

Scariest movie ever: Blair Witch Project. You never see a ghost, demon, or monster. The fear of the unknown. And seeing that guy standing in the corner at the end of the film? I was afraid to go into my room that night for fear of seeing someone standing in the corner. That's scary.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Look at all the blogs!! ----->

Look at them all, just shiny and new in the ways of the blogging world. They're waiting for you to discover their awesomeness. Take some time now and view the blogs. Provide comment that is appropriate.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Welcome to ... the Blog!

This is where I will provide rants and discussion questions for enlighten discussion. Visit my blog to see others!