Monday, November 24, 2014

Whitman Pinwheel Discussion

Today we discussed the Whitman biography, poem, and letter. Now how are they connected?

In the reply field below, answer the following question:

What theme or central idea connects these three texts?

Due Sunday, Nov. 30 for 1A/2A/4B. Due Wednesday, Dec. 3 for 2B.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Extra Credit Time: The Shortest Story

Ernest Hemingway is claimed to have written one of the
shortest stories ever. It's not sure if it was him or if his story was original (which really it isn't if Wikipedia is to be believed), but the story itself is pretty powerful - and in just 33 characters:

For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn.

Is this a story? If so, what is it about?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Discussion Brawl - Whitman's poetry

If you did not verbally participate in the Discussion Brawl, you must post your analysis here for a participation grade. If you participated verbally and I was satisfied with your response (you'll know if I am not), you can do this post voluntarily.

Be sure to include inferences, text evidence, and a good claim.

What will be helpful is if the first line of your post is your period (1A, 4B, etc.).

Posts are due by the start of next class.